The RU-TPDC is a four output signal and power distributor module compatible with all RDL® Format-C twisted pair products. The INPUT RJ45 jack accepts a twisted pair cable originating from a Format-C sender.
A rear-panel GAIN control is provided to recover any video level loss over the twisted pair input cable. An EQ control allows the installer to adjust the sharpness of the picture for high frequency losses in the cable. Adjustment is made while observing the video output on a Format-C receiver plugged into one output of the RU-TPDC. The audio and video signals received at the module input are individually buffered to drive the RJ45 output jacks. The RU-TPDC module terminates the video cable pair, therefore additional receivers may not be connected to the module's twisted pair input. Two RDL Dual-LED VU meters are provided on the front panel of the RU-TPDC, one for each audio channel.
The RU-TPDC is constructed in the durable MAX RACK-UP chassis which facilitates mounting three distributors in a single rack unit. A wide variety of mounting accessories are available in the RDL RACK UP series. A power bus jack in each RU-TPDC allows power to enter one module at either side of the rack. The included power jumper cable provides a simple method of interconnecting one distributor module to the next, so multiple modules can be operated from a single power supply.
The RU-TPDC is powered directly from a 24 Vdc power supply using either one of the power jacks or the detachable terminal block. Module power is indicated by a front-panel LED. Local power connected to the module is also fed to all modules connected to the INPUT and OUTPUT RJ45 jacks. The power feeding each OUTPUT jack is separately protected by an automatically resetting fuse. A power LED is associated with each OUTPUT jack, facilitating identification of wiring faults.
RDL Format-C provides quality balanced video transmission over long distances, and features superior audio performance that rivals or exceeds shielded wiring. Design simplicity, ease of installation, unsurpassed flexibility, automatically fused power, exceptional hum rejection, low noise, and low distortion provide designers and installers the optimum choice in economical twisted pair products.